Where can I learn more about green infrastructure in Boston?
You can find a primer here.
Where are the installations of green infrastructure on the streetscape? And how can I find out more information about them?
You can find the installations at:
Where are the installations of green infrastructure at schools? And how can I find out more information about them?
You can find the installations at:
You can find detailed information about each of the installations here.
*Important* If you are interested in learning more about the sites or visiting one the sites, please reach out to us at newurbanmechanics@boston.gov and we will connect you with the right people.
Where are the installations of green infrastructure at libraries? And how can I find out more information about them?
The two installations are at the Roxbury Branch and East Boston Branch of the Boston Public LIbrary. We can connect you with the project managers for the sites if you email us at newurbanmechanics@boston.gov.
If I have an idea for a specific community garden, can you connect me with the garden leadership?
Yes, please reach out to us at newurbanmechanics@boston.gov and we will connect you with leadership at The Trustees’ community gardens program. They will be able to connect you with garden coordinators at one of the community gardens.
If I have an idea for a municipal lot, how do I start to vet my idea?
Please reach out to us at newurbanmechanics@boston.gov and we will connect you with the right people at the Boston Transportation Department and Boston Public Works.
I have more questions! What should I do?
Email us at newurbanmechanics@boston.gov.